Arabic Flagship Timeline Skip to main content

Arabic Flagship Timeline

Arabic Flagship Timeline

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Arabic 101

Arabic 101 is the first of four on-campus Arabic courses intended to prepare you for studies in the Arab world. Years later students often recall fondly their teacher and classmates who helped them venture into Arab culture, learn the Arabic writing system, and how to hold one's own in daily conversations. During Arabic 101 students complete Alif Baa and the first five units of Al-Kitaab Book One.
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Arabic 102

Arabic 102 builds on your first-semester foundation by helping you automatize what skills you have and expanding into new subjects. Arabic 102 covers units 6 through 13 of Al-Kitaab Book One.

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Arabic 201

Arabic 201 steps things up a notch. Not only are students expected to start mastering the Arabic verbal system, but they are exposed to a larger amount and variety of Arabic than before. Students in Arabic 201 complete units 1 through 5 in Al-Kitaab Book Two.
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Arabic 202

Arabic 202 is the final on-campus course on the path to study abroad, and it is designed as an on-ramp to BYU's Jordan program. At the end of the course, students will have completed Al-Kitaab Book Two, familiarized themselves with the entire Arabic verbal system, and learned how to digest Arabic news media on a regular basis.

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BYU's Arabic study abroad in Jordan has made a name for itself as an effective immersive experience that brings many participants to advanced proficiency each year. One of BYU's Arabic faculty directs the program in person each Fall semester to make sure that each cohort gets the most out of their time abroad. Students take classes and work with speaking partners at Qasid Arabic Institute, learn to comfortably read and discuss Arabic news media, and spend at least 10 hours a week speaking wtih Arabs on their own time.

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BYU Arabic Flagship | Josh VonTrapp preparing for Capstone

Arabic 411R and 495R are designed to take the Advanced language skills students developed in Jordan and propel them on to the Superior level. 411R places students in the center of debates about a variety of political and social issues, and 495R gives them the chance to research and write about a specialized topic of their choice.

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The spring version of 411R and 495R help students dive into prominent original texts from Arab history, such as works by Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rushd.

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The Morocco Capstone is a year-long program in Meknes that gives students valuable high-level experience in a part of the Arab world that differs culturally, historically, and linguistically from Jordan and other Eastern Arab countries. See BYU's Arabic Flagship site ( for many more details. BYU Arabic: What Am I Learning?